Thursday, August 19, 2010

Disappointment on a wednesday!!

I was at a temp. service to apple for a forklift job. A job i have done for about 20 years.
I was told that i needed to get certification from a state agency. Which, is something new for me.
The last time a knew, the employer gave you the certificate. So, i could not get the job. Until i got
took the test. The next test will be giving on September 15. So, no job.

My car is the eighth wonder of the world. It has about 285k for miles. I say about because the odometer
only works when it wants to.So, drive it until the wheels fall off.

In another vain. I have some family issues. My Mon has Alzheimer's, mid to advance stages. This breaks my heart. She is the best mother in the world. My uncle from the Cleveland area has late stages of lung cancer.
Most likely from Mesothelioma. Since he worked in the construction industry. He is my most favorite uncle.
He has been there when i was down and out.